中国经济问题 ›› 2024›› Issue (04): 1-.

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  • 出版日期:2024-07-20 发布日期:2024-10-07

  • Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-10-07

摘要: 2000年,时任福建省省长的习近平立足于抢占信息化战略制高点,作出建设“数字福建”的重大战略决策,确立了“数字化、网络化、可视化、智能化”的“数字福建”发展蓝图,开启了福建推进信息化建设的历史进程。习近平关于“数字福建”的重要论述是基于改革开放以来的经济发展经验,在积极探索信息化建设的实践基础上形成的。“数字福建”为“数字浙江”提供了实践样本,是“数字中国”的思想源头和实践起点。从“数字福建”到“数字浙江”再到“数字中国”,习近平深刻洞察信息化、数字化发展的趋势、规律和重要作用,明确提出了“数字中国”建设的战略构想和战略举措,对推动中国数字经济不断做强做优做大具有重大现实意义和深远战略意义。

关键词: font-family:", font-size:18px, background-color:#FFFFFF, ">数字福建, 数字浙江, 数字中国, 数字经济, 信息化

Abstract: In 2000, XI Jinping, the then governor of Fujian Province, based on seizing the strategic high point of informatization, made a major strategic decision to build "Digital Fujian", and established the blueprint for the development of "Digital Fujian", which includes "digitalization, networking, visualization, and intelligence". The blueprint for the development of “Digital Fujian"has started the historical process of promoting the construction of informatization in Fujian. XI Jinping's important discourses on "Digital Fujian" were based on the experience of economic development since the reform and opening–up, and were formed from practical basics of actively exploring the practice of informatization construction. "Digital Fujian" provides a practical sample for "Digital Zhejiang", and is the ideological source and practical starting point of "Digital China". From "Digital Fujian"to "Digital Zhejiang" and then to"Digital China", XI Jinping has gained a deep insight into the trend, laws and important role of informatization and digitalization, and has explicitly put forward the strategic conception and strategic initiatives of "Digital China" construction, which is of great practical significance and far-reaching strategic significance to promote China's digital economy to become stronger, better and bigger.

Key words: font-family:", font-size:18px, background-color:#FFFFFF, ">Digital Fujian, Digital Zhejiang, Digital China, digital economy, informatization