中国经济问题 ›› 2024›› Issue (04): 33-.

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  • 出版日期:2024-07-20 发布日期:2024-10-07

  • Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-10-07


平台经济具有多样性,包括“平台资本主义”和“平台合作主义”两种主要形态。本文通过回顾马克思及其以后的劳动过程理论进展,发现劳资合作是劳动过程理论的暗线,也是理解平台合作主义的关键。然而,国内平台经济文献的分析对象仍留于平台资本主义的批判,分析框架是滞后于实践的布若威的劳动过程理论,忽视了平台合作主义的存在,也无法解释平台经济多样 性。本文提出用“激励—监督”维度代替布若威的“强制—同意”维度,基于此构建的劳动过程的理想型可以为平台资本主义和平台合作主义提供一个统一的理论框架。平台合作主义展现了平台经济实现劳资双赢的前景,但囿于资本主义生产关系的结构性约束,仍面临一些问题。如果我国能够积极发挥社会主义制度优势,对资本主义国家的平台合作主义进行扬弃,有可能发展出真正的劳资合作型平台经济。


平台经济, 劳动过程理论, 平台资本主义, 平台合作主义


The platform economy is diverse, including two main forms: "platform capitalism" and "platform corporatism". By reviewing the progress of Marx' and subsequent labor process theory, this article finds that labor-capital cooperation is the hidden thread of labor process theory and the key to understanding platform cooperativism. However, the analysis object of platform economy literature in China still remains on the criticism of platform capitalism. The analytical framework is Burawoy's labor process theory that lags behind practice, ignores the existence of platform corporatism, and cannot explain the diversity of platform economies. This article proposes to replace Burawoy's "coercionconsent" dimension with theincentivemonitoring" dimension. The ideal type of labor process constructed based on this can provide a unified theoretical framework for platform capitalism and platform corporatism. Platform corporatism shows the prospect of a win-win situation between labor and capital in the platform economy, but it still faces some problems due to the structural constraints of capitalist production relations. If China can actively leverage the advantages of its socialist system and abandon the platform corporatism of capitalist countries, it may be possible to develop a true laborcapital cooperation platform economy.

Key words:

platform economy, labor process theory, platform capitalism, platform corporatism