中国经济问题 ›› 2024›› Issue (04): 80-.

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  • 出版日期:2024-07-20 发布日期:2024-10-07

  • Online:2024-07-20 Published:2024-10-07


易地扶贫搬迁农户生计恢复问题是后续扶持的关键。在中国农村金融环境下,针对这一特殊群体的信贷支持能否有效提升其生计恢复力还缺乏经验证据。基于陕南地区调研数据,从理论和数理视角阐述信贷支持对搬迁农户生计恢复力的作用机理,并利用PSM6种匹配方法测 算净效应。研究发现:信贷支持能显著提升易地扶贫搬迁农户生计恢复力,这一结论在工具变量法、熵平衡法等一系列稳健性检验后依旧成立;从信贷类型来看,正规信贷和政策性信贷对搬迁农户生计恢复力的提升作用强于非正规信贷、商业性信贷;信贷支持效果的发挥也有赖于搬迁农户自身条件、外部环境和资金配置,采取自主型生计策略、城镇安置、将信贷资金用于生产经营的农户获得信贷支持更能提升生计恢复力。基于此,本文为更好发挥信贷支持作用提出政策建议。


农户生计, 生计恢复力, 易地扶贫搬迁, 信贷支持, 内生转换回归模型


The issue of livelihood resilience of farmers relocated for poverty alleviation is key to follow-up support. In China's rural financial environment, there is little empirical evidence on whether credit support can effectively enhance livelihood resilience. Based on the survey data from southern Shaanxi, this paper elaborates on the mechanism of credit support on livelihood resilience of relocated farmers from theoretical and mathematical perspectives and measures the net effect by using six matching methods of PSM. The study finds that: credit support can significantly enhance the livelihood resilience of relocated farmers, and this conclusion is still valid after robustness tests, such as the instrumental variable method and entropy balance method. From the perspective of credit type, formal credit, and policy credit have a stronger effect on improving livelihood resilience than informal credit and commercial credit. The effect of credit support also depends on the relocated farmers' conditions, external environment, and capital allocation. Farmers who adopt autonomous livelihood strategies, resettle in towns, and use credit funds for production and business can better improve their livelihood resilience by credit support. Based on this, this paper puts forward policy recommendations for better utilization of credit support.

Key words:

farmers' livelihood, livelihood resilience, relocation for poverty alleviation, credit support, ESR